Teknik Bagging Dan Boosting Pada Algoritma CART Untuk Klasifikasi Masa Studi Mahasiswa
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Undergraduate Students data in academic information systems always increases every year. Data collected can be processed using data mining to gain new knowledge. The author tries to mine undergraduate students data to classify the study period on time or not on time. The data is analyzed using CART with bagging techniqu, and CART with boosting technique. The classification results using 49 testing data, in the CART algorithm with bagging techniques 13 data (26.531%) entered into the classification on time and 36 data (73.469%) entered into the classification not on time. In the CART algorithm with boosting technique 16 data (32,653%) entered into the classification on time and 33 data (67,347%) entered into the classification not on time. The accuracy value of the classification of study period of undergraduate students using the CART algorithm is 79.592%, the CART algorithm with bagging technique is 81.633%, and the CART algorithm with boosting technique is 87.755%. In this study, the CART algorithm with boosting technique has the best accuracy value.
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